Restaurant Casa Hirscher Bistro




Restaurant Casa Hirscher Bistro
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Price range per person
10$ - 25$
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Restaurant Casa Hirscher Bistro

The story and the history of the place, the selection of wines and the atmosphere of the restaurant give you an idea of how the food could be served at Casa Hircher Bistro. The moment of confirmation is when you see the dish, carefully decorated by cooks passionate about cooking art, and the first taste will take you to the Champs-?lys?es, accompanied by a violin in sourdine.
The Hirscher House, also known as the “Merchant House”, was built between 1539-1545. Apollonia Hirscher, the wife of the former county of Brasov, Lukas Hirscher, built this house at her own expense as a tribute to the memory of her husband, “small in stature, but great in wisdom”
Conceived in the style of the old western halls, with numerous rooms and vaulted cellars for the goods brought to the weekly fairs that were held in the “piazza”, surrounded by the “wheat fair”, “strailer fair” or “flower fair”, with pilasters and arches between the skilled craftsmen of the 50 Brasov guilds displayed their products, the building was for centuries the symbol of a flourishing economic life, at the crossroads of the great European roads.
At Casa Hirscher, the quality is undeniable in terms of the composition of the menu and the execution of the dishes, the selection of wines and even the musical atmosphere!
The Hirscher experience consists of a cosmopolitan ambience where everything breathes elegance, discretion, a unique place where the noble values of the past are preserved, but are skillfully combined with modern elements.

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Opening Hours

11:00 am - 11:00 pm
11:00 am - 11:00 pm
11:00 am - 11:00 pm
11:00 am - 11:00 pm
11:00 am - 11:00 pm
11:00 am - 11:00 pm
11:00 am - 11:00 pm
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